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Arrest of Robert John L. Sobrepeña Really Strengthened BCDA Case? #1MNews #TheEqualizers

Opinion: Arrest of Robert John L. Sobrepeña Really Strengthened BCDA Case? #1MNews #TheEqualizers

Lately, the DOJ charge Robert Sobrepeña, chairman of Camp John Hay Development Corporation (CJHDevCo) with estafa for alledgedly failing to remit the rent to the government owned Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA). The BCDA said, that Bob Sobrepeña has the ability to pay the rent which according to DOJ, CJHDevco could have very well met its rental obligation of P425 million had it chosen to do so.

The DOJ declared the financial standing of Sobrepeña’s Group through its dealings and operations. The large amount that the group’s gaining through its revenues can sufficed to pay the rent obligation.

The arrest happens while the Philippine Dispute Resolution Center Inc. (PDRCI) is deep in arbitration proceedings to amicably settle the issues that led to this BCDA-CJHDevco row.

BCDA president-chairman Arnel Casanova pushed this arrest as added attraction to pin down Sobrepeña and strengthen BCDA case. The BCDA along with the DOJ resolution provide a way to “ripple” the estafa case against him. That’s how BCDA played the game.

Bob Sobrepeña cried “foul justice” and “personal vendetta” after he posted bail at Pasay Regional Trial Court (RTC) judge Pedro de Leon Gutierrez. Moreover, he pointed out that the case was under the PDRCI and his arrest was unfounded. He said, that CJHDevco deferred rental payments over that three-year period because the 1997 Asian financial crisis, along with BCDA’s repeated RMOA violations, had impacted negatively on this private developer’s financial performance and prevented it from pursuing its development plans, reaching its projected earnings, and settling its rental commitments under the original 1996 contract.

What more could Bobby Sobrepeña will do is to wait the arbitration process of the PDRCI while giving him the chance to buy time in deciphering its stance. Truly, he felt that the government single handedly accused him while his 16 companions dismissed of estafa case. Robert Sobrepeña must capitalized the BCDA harassment against CJHDevco to win this case.

Photo Source: Bing Images

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  1. i know that justice will always prevail... i just hope the government and our justice bureau would look at this case open-mindedly and with independence. Yahweh bless.

  2. BCDA should really be punished for harassing people like this. Hope the law makes them pay somehow... or at least put things in order.


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